Life’s Predicament of Peppy Be

Life’s Predicament of Peppy Be

Peppy Be was I created to capture the lighter side life’s predicament. Some might remember a similar drawing in my blog Life in Words and Images. Which the content of the previous blog is very different from what I am currently using it for. Here I explain the process of how the subject matter changed.

Intro to Peppy Be

It started out as an abstract drawing of my wandering thoughts of life’s choices. And also, the frustration of deciding which path I should take. The first drawing is of a shape that almost looks like an egg or a shell. In a sense, a desire to reborn, to begin or to start anew. As this subject looks on, it tries to choose which path to take.

It is accompanied by an imposing sun. It hovers closely, beaming its intense heat badgering the figure to quickly make a choice or be burned. Which is kind of how I feel when making a choice in my life. Something is always over my shoulder haunting me to make a decision. This invisible being pesters me to make a choice. Because the alternative is to stay stagnate and wither. Although, I can not help myself to be rooted to the ground from of my indecision. And being afraid of the possible, though illogical, negative outcome.

Life's Predicament of Peppy Be - Abstract image

Change to Fit a Narrative

Then, my drawing changed. The central image or the protagonist evolves into some type of humanistic or living form. It evolved because I need it to. I don’t know what I want. And I am frustrated from standing still from my indecision. What I wish is to grab the “path” and pull it towards me. So, I can peek at my options before taking the plunge. Therefore knowing, without a doubt, I will succeed and be happy.

Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image

A Little Bit of Me

Ultimately a character is born. And, it is very different from where I started. It does have a few traits from the original content. Peppy Be is shown on a path but the backdrop changes. The interpretation changes. He is still going down a path but as he is moving along, unforeseen circumstances occur.

The setting was ideal for me to draw him in a certain predicament he tends to find himself in as he moves along through his life. Situations where one will say “Why me?!” Which, I can definitely relate to in my own way. Embarrassing predicaments are my specialty.

Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image     Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image

Here are two examples of my own embarrassing moments:

The Joys of First Encounter

One time, I was running down the stairs to catch the train. I knew I was going to fall. So, I grabbed on to the rerailing with both hands. The right hand slipped which turned me around. Then I proceeded to slide down on my back. And, landed on the ground to see the shocked expression on the face of two very posh and well dress attractive guys.

They were very surprised to see me popped out of nowhere, on the ground, as they rounded the corner to get to the stairs.

Too embarrassed to speak, I stayed quiet when they asked if I was okay. And did the most logical thing, I pretended they weren’t there. Plus, I was busy trying to catch the train. The door closed just when I was an inch away. But it was only for a couple of minutes before it opened again. Maybe the conductor saw what happened and took pity on me. The reason didn’t matter. I was thankful.

Oh, to be Youthful

Then there was the time when I was in college.

But, before I go any further, I have to tell you back then I looked young for my age. I am not boasting but referencing. I was short (5’2″) with chubby cheeks. My style at the time was baggy clothes, that fitted one size too big.

So, I was heading to my morning classes dressed in jeans and sweatshirt with my hair in a pony tail and carrying a backpack. It was a school day for everyone. And, I had to pass by an elementary school to get to campus. Staring at me from across the street was a crossing guard.

I knew what was coming and prayed it wouldn’t.

Alas, she walked towards me as I crossed the street. We met in the middle. I gave her a smile while avoiding eye contact and then quickly looked down. Both of us proceeded to the other side of the sidewalk. I, heading to my class. And she, heading back to where she was standing before.

Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image      Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image

Why This and Not That

I don’t want to draw a human character in a common situation. To me, I find it too serious even if it is comical. I want to portray the predicaments in an unreal, light hearted and funny way. In order to show that it is not as serious as we think it is. My drawings don’t depict situations that most of us find ourselves in. But it is the predicaments that Peppy Be gets into.

Because whatever predicament I or anyone are in, however similar, is never the same. Each story is unique. But we can all agree it is not as drastic or dramatic as we thought once we are able to step back and view it from afar.

Life’s predicament is one of the obstacles of being alive. It will occur again and again. We mustn’t take these occurrences to heart no matter how unlucky we feel we are in. I, myself, is at a point in my life where I find it annoying rather than embarrassing. I just take a deep breath, slowly let it out and move on. Because life is never how we planned it to be.

Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image     Life's Predicament of Peppy Be blog - Abstract image