Procrastination Can Lead to Creativity

Procrastination Can Lead to Creativity

If you ever wonder where ideas or creativity comes from, I can tell you, through experience, that procrastination can lead to creativity. Here is how my drawing of a sun came about.

The Things We Do to Avoid Work

Years ago, in the far, far and very far past, I was filling out my college application form. I became frustrated in writing the essay portion. I’m pretty sure everyone can relate to this, drawing a blank when writing about a topic that you are uninterested in or picked for you while finishing within minutes on a topic you chose for yourself. Well, I did what I always do back then, okay maybe a little now also, I procrastinated.

I kind of drew this on the application form.

sketch of a abstract image of a sun
The area where I drew the face is a blue sticker and if someone was to peel it off, they would see this.

The word hello
Not a very wise decision on my part but I just couldn’t resist. There was a round blue sticker on the application form that had no function and it was just calling me to draw on and around it. And so, I did. Needless to say, I didn’t send it. Though I always wonder, what would happen if I did? Luckily, they sent over two forms. The other one didn’t have the sticker. I wonder if that was done intentionally or am I thinking too much.

A couple of years ago, I re-created it on my computer.

Procrastination Can Lead to Creativity - abstract line art of the sun
Then colored it.

colored abstract digital design of the sun
I’m not too keen on the color. I will have to redo it one day.