Life’s Predicament of Peppy Be

Life’s Predicament of Peppy Be

Peppy Be was I created to capture the lighter side life’s predicament. Some might remember a similar drawing in my blog Life in Words and Images. Which the content of the previous blog is very different from what I am currently using it for. Here I 

Portrait: Life and Its Imperfections

Portrait: Life and Its Imperfections

Lately, I’ve been drawing a series of what I like to call Portrait. Which it is not to state the obvious, but my take on life and its imperfection. I’ve uploaded a few of these drawings to my Instagram or Facebook page; if you haven’t 

Procrastination Can Lead to Creativity

Procrastination Can Lead to Creativity

If you ever wonder where ideas or creativity comes from, I can tell you, through experience, that procrastination can lead to creativity. Here is how my drawing of a sun came about. The Things We Do to Avoid Work Years ago, in the far, far 

Life in Words and Images

Life in Words and Images

Writing or drawing often have a therapeutic quality for me when I am feeling frustrated, worried or burden down by life. One of my major pet peeves is the constant wondering and questioning of my choices. I often wonder what my life would be like if I 

Selling Your Design

Selling Your Design

Do you love to draw or paint? And, want to make a living from it? You should consider selling your design in an online marketplace. Making a living on what you love is one of the greatest things to attain in life. At least that 

Mandalas – Round Decorative Designs

Mandalas – Round Decorative Designs

These days, I’ve been working on a series of mandalas or round decorative designs. I’ve always been fascinated with floral and swirl designs. I think it is because of the organic feel, the fluidness of the lines and delicate appearance that appeals to me. Throughout my